Well today we got a new 'toy' for Brandon!

Muscular Dystrophy Canada and Safeway Canada awarded Brandon a grant this summer to purchase this equipment - its a system we have wanted for some time but just couldnt scare up the money for (and money it costs!).

He now has a brand new Kimba Seating System with an indoor Spider (hi-lo) base, and an outdoor Cross (jogger/bike trailer) base...

This is what the Spider Base looks like: (our upholstery is orange though - pictures to follow this week)

And this is the Cross:

The cross work as a big wheel jogging stroller AND converts into a Bicycle trailer...

the Kimba seat itself lifts off and will secure to either base...

Its FANTASTIC... Brandon used it for dinner tonite and it was so great to see him comfortably sitting at our dinner table - usually he spends most of the meal squirming and fussing to get comfortable - it was awsome to just see him settle right in comfortably! :)

New equipment is always tough - its great that Brandon gets what he needs and has ways to stay comfortable - but by the same token its always hard to admit that he NEEDS that extra support.

For today though were happy to have the means to give him what he needs.

Thank you Safeway and MDC!


  1. Hey Keely,
    That looks great ! I have been searching for something for Lizzie, as she has outgrown traditional high chairs, but the special needs loaner one we have doesn't work for her either, she slips, slides, gets her little elbows stuck, etc. I really like the jogging stroller too, we have been looking for a wheelchair for us here at home, the one she has now stays at preschool. I like what I see in your chair/stroller, would you let me know if there's anything I should look for ? Lizzie doesn't have MD, she has Shaken Baby syndrome, and has severely tight muscles. That's awesome you were able to get it !
    I watched the video of Tyler singing speckled frogs, oh my goodness Keely, he sooo reminded me of Logan when he was little. Your boys are adventureous and spunky ! Blessings, Joni Holycross


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