It's been too long since I updated!

The boys are doing great... both are healthy, happy and enjoying spring break.

Things at our end are comfortably calm, and we're hopeful they will stay that way.

The big news of the week is MitoCanada!

Last fall, myself along with several other families across the country set out to establish a charity in Canada serving the Mitochondrial Disease Community.
After a tremendous amount of work on the part of the whole team, we are one step closer to realising this goal... last week our website went live:

and on April 17th we will be convening in Hamilton for our first planning conference. on Sunday April 18th we will be hosting a lecture by Dr Tarnopolsky, a leader in the field in Canada - all who are interested are invited and it will be followed by a family social.

Plans have been falling into place and the whole MitoCanada entity has grown by leaps and bounds over the past several weeks as it has all come together.

We are all very excited to see this thing grow!!